Create a new Supplier account

Company information
Give the user some details about your company
Image must be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format, and at least 180 x 180 px
Full name
Official business name
Used in the SaleHoo search listings.
Consider this a short sales pitch for your services!
Select all that apply
Contact information
Let the user know how to get in touch with you
Your physical location
e.g. +1 234 567 8901 or +01 (234) 567 8901
Selling information
Tell the user how you prefer to sell and distribute your products
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Comma separated
Select all that apply
Select all that apply
Products information
Let the user know how to get in touch with you
Select all that apply
Are you a luxury brand or do you sell basic goods?
Comma separated list, e.g. wallets, handbags, keychains
Comma separated list, e.g. wallets, handbags, keychains
Improves the quality of your listing significantly and increases clicks by over 400%
Order requirements and return policy
Tell the user how to order from you and what to do if they need to return something
e.g. Certificate of incorporation, business turnover above X, etc.
Provide information about the terms and conditions for returning a product.
Document verification
Help us verify your business so we can promote it to our customers
We would love to promote your site to our customers but as we don’t wish to compromise our members’ safety, we would like to confirm that your company offers genuine merchandise
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